Mrs. Schmidt
[email protected]
3rd Grade - Room E224
August 2024 - New Class Info.
Parents please fill out before school starts.
What do 3rd graders need to bring to school daily?
-Lunch, recess snacks and water bottle. *Cafeteria breakfast and lunch available
-Wear comfortable clothes and shoes to play outside and go to PE.
-Put your child's FIRST & LAST NAME on everything.
School Supplies
Class donations are always welcome!
Mrs. Schmidt's Amazon Wishlist
*Baby wipes: unscented for kids hands/tables
*Hand Sanitizer
*Glue Sticks
*Mechanical Pencils
*Gift Cards for other classroom supplies: Target, Costco, Amazon
School Computers:
Bring your own personal small headphones to leave in the classroom.
I will have a charging station set up in the classroom if you prefer to leave it at school. I prefer to keep them all in the classroom. Put your name on tape/label the charging cord and computer.
3rd Grade Basics
Wear playground safe clothes and shoes daily. Make sure your child can wear shoes they can manage on their own (slip on, velcro, laces). Practice shoe lace tying skills at home! Also, no light-up or wheeled shoes. Please do not wear extra accessories that can be easily lost or distracting (jewelry, watches).
Clean out backpacks often. Please keep all toys, stuffed animals, trinkets, jewelry, and special treasures at home. There is a ball cart available at recess; but kids can bring their own soccer, basketball, football, tennis ball, etc. Please choose a simple backpack that can hook up and that your child can open/close on their own. No wheeled, suitcase backpacks please. These are difficult on stairs and in crowded hallways.
Cell phones, phone watches, or any other game/camera/texting watches are not allowed inside the classroom. All personal technology will be left inside the students backpack during class time. If you need to message your child during school hours, please send Mrs. Schmidt an email/dojo message. You can also call the office to relay a message during school hours. I will reply as soon as received.
Envelopes are sent home with school paperwork and graded tests weekly/biweekly. Please empty the envelope and send it back to reuse.
The Lost and Found is by the lunch tables. If your child loses something, you are welcome to check it out after school.
Music - Recorders and sheet music will be provided to 3rd graders to take home and practice. Students can get a special folder to keep their sheet music packet in so it will survive the backpack.
Class DOJO
I will give you a class code so you can add this app to your phone. This will include a class story of pictures I take during the day so you can see what we are working on. It also serves as a messaging system with whole class messages for the teacher to send and 1-1 messaging between teacher-parent. I will check during school day and reply as soon as possible.

Google Classroom: Classroom portal with assignments and activities.

Benchmark: Reading
iReady: Math, Reading, and Testing

Google Programs: Google Drive, Drawings, Slides, Docs, etc.

Scholastic Book Orders
My Classroom code NZ2Q6
Scholastic will send me flyers with books you can purchase. I will send them home in the envelopes as they come in. You can order and pay online. The books are delivered free to school. I will get them to you as soon as they come in.