Welcome to 1st Grade!
We are excited to start a new school year with you.
Click on your teacher's website for more details about your class.
Our ELA/ELD Reading and Writing curriculum is by Benchmark Universe. It includes both fiction and non-fiction units that cover a variety of topics in Science and Social Studies. Our Foundational Skills and Word Work skills are woven into the curriculum and readers as well. We will also be using the i-Ready Reading diagnostics online program.
Our Math curriculum is by Ready Math. The online program is called iReady and has both diagnostic, self-paced lessons as well as teacher assigned lessons.
Our Science curriculum is by Mystery Science. We will be focused on our standards: Plants & Animals, Patterns in Outer Space, and Light & Sound. There are also lots of other Mystery Science lessons based on curiosity and engaging questions.
Social Studies
Our Social Studies topics in 1st grade focus on Community & Citizenship, USA: Past, Present, Future, and Goods & Services. They are nicely woven into the Benchmark units.