Hello my name is Mr. Smith
6th/7th/8th Grade Physical Education
[email protected]
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. This my 8th year teaching in the San Marcos Unified School District. I grew up in Valley Center, California and I swam competitively and played water polo through college where I graduated from Concordia University Irvine.
I will have two sections of 6th grade and 4 sections of sports specific PE which will be combo 7/8th grade.
For our 6th graders we will have four week units dedicated to a sport with the focus being on building skills and working towards playing games. Our units include: pickleball, football, volleyball, soccer, baseball/softball, basketball, hockey, team handball, track and field, and frisbee. Throughout our units we will incorporate fitness with the goal of providing students with the tools necessary to remain fit and active throughout life.
Sports specific PE students will choose a sport to focus on and create goals and drills to work toward improving the specific sport they wish to improve. This will be balanced by some days where each sport cohort will run drills or games for the rest of the class.